Friday, January 8, 2010

Oh where, oh where could my black cat be?!?!

I really miss my black cat. I've been worrying. I don't know where he went. He has been out for 3 days. Someone might have stole it when he went outside of the gate. There's a big hole underneath it. So there might be possibilities. And when there's someone saw it, they might steal it. But I hope there's someone out there who is really nice.... Put it back to the pet shop where I bought him or sent to the vet... I really want my black cat. So sorry if I didn't play with you. Come back home kitty, now my white cat is alone...... Awwww, *sad* I wish I have a picture of him though. But its on the phone not here. I really couldn't afford to keep anything that is precious to me cause the longer I keep it, to more it is harder to let it go... He's a black cat, Persian..If you find him somewhere out there, -- whoever lives in my country, Jakarta please returned back us. Email me: . I will show you the picture if I 've found it. xoxo..

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